
M1: Workplace Project (Bridging Course) January 2024

Work experience is an important part of any Business Degree. On the evening degree this experience is obtained concurrently with the part-time studies for the modules at Intermediate Level. The work experience will be obtained through the Dual Apprenticeship experiences of the student. The project will link academic work with the workplace so as to develop and exploit knowledge and skills in the students’ organisation and the wider business environment.

M4 Strategic Management (Group January 2024)

This module delivers learning in the area of shipping and inter-modal management services in the global trading arena.  The fit with shipping, trade and transport rests with importance of supply-chain management in an openly competitive global trade.  Students will learn about the concepts and mechanisms of supply-chain management in global markets.  Increased focus on inventory management and operational planning, as defined by global benchmarks, is integral to learning throughout the module, which applies strategic management concepts in both the generic and niche shipping market sectors.


This course is reserved for students currently working on their thesis
Trainer/in: Eeva Blomqvist

M5 International Purchasing (TL6051HA) Group January 2024

This module delivers learning in the area of purchasing, procurement and inventory management in the global trading arena.  Attention is given to the purchasing strategies in this vital area of global trade facilitation from which the demand for shipping and transport is derived and to the rules and conventions and procedures of international purchasing. The fit with shipping, trade and transport rests with the importance of international purchasing in global trade. You will develop abilities to review and apply the procedures of international purchasing, enabling them to evaluate the risks and opportunities of purchasing within shipping, trade, and transport.

Trainer/in: Jürgen Breitschuh

M3: International Marketing (TL6050HA) Group January 2024

In this module you will gather knowledge and expertise in the area of marketing shipping logistics services in the global trading arena. Emphasis is put on service quality defined by global benchmarks which is also reiterated as a theme throughout the module. You will apply marketing concepts in both the generic and niche shipping market sectors and find out differences of how to approach your various customers. Students will learn about the importance of international marketing in an openly competitive global environment. Attention is given to the culture and trade practices of global markets, focussing on international brand management as well as the positioning and the globalisation of brands.

Trainer/in: Jürgen Breitschuh

STT BSc January 2024

This group is exclusively open for members of the January 2023 Shipping, Trade & Transport course. Welcome to the group!

M6: Strategic Management (Group June 2023)

This module delivers learning in the area of shipping and inter-modal management services in the global trading arena.  The fit with shipping, trade and transport rests with importance of supply-chain management in an openly competitive global trade.  Students will learn about the concepts and mechanisms of supply-chain management in global markets.  Increased focus on inventory management and operational planning, as defined by global benchmarks, is integral to learning throughout the module, which applies strategic management concepts in both the generic and niche shipping market sectors.

Trainer/in: Indra Erichsen

M3: Theory and Practice Part 1 (June 2023)

Students will prepare a research proposal including a literature review to support their work towards the Bachelor dissertation. This affords students the opportunity to complete a substantial piece of independent research, allowing them to pursue deeper knowledge and understanding of a relevant topic of their choice through their own research. The teaching and guidance aim particularly to develop students’ skills of academic reading, researching, analysing data, application of knowledge and presenting data (numeracy and quantitative data), academic writing/literacy, critical thinking and writing and digital literacy and IT skills.

Trainer/in: Holger Hinz

M5/M8 - Regulation of International Trade (TL6056HA)

This module delivers learning in the area of the legal regulation of relationships in shipping, trade and transport. The course focuses on the main issues of concern in this area, which are (a) private law cargo claims and (b) the public international concerns about safety at sea/use of the vessel and crew employment. The fit with shipping, trade and transport rests with the importance of liability prevention and management, which is of continuous concern to all involved in the industry. You will understand the core elements of cargo liability, the nature of public international law, and the difference between trade perception of commercial expectations and legal liabilities.

Trainer/in: Milena Potocki

M9: Theory & Practice in Shipping, Trade and Transportation II (TLP03HA)

Students will prepare a research proposal including a literature review to support their work towards the Bachelor dissertation. This affords students the opportunity to complete a substantial piece of independent research, allowing them to pursue deeper knowledge and understanding of a relevant topic of their choice through their own research. The teaching and guidance aim particularly to develop students’ skills of academic reading, researching, analysing data, application of knowledge and presenting data (numeracy and quantitative data), academic writing/literacy, critical thinking and writing and digital literacy and IT skills.

Trainer/in: Holger Hinz

M4/M7: Multinational Business (TL6055HA)

This module delivers learning in the area of multinational business in the different regions of the world, with a focus on the future prospects of such businesses.  The fit with shipping, trade and transport rests on the impact of the internationalisation of businesses, and the impact that they have on the global economy and trade. You will understand the different ways of analysing multinational firms, and their impact on shipping, trade and transport. 

Trainer/in: Holger Hinz

M2/M6: Strategic Logistics (TL6054HA)

This module delivers learning in the area of shipping and inter-modal logistics services in the global trading arena. The fit with shipping, trade and transport rests with the importance of the role of strategic logistics in an openly competitive global trade. You will learn about the concepts and mechanisms of strategic logistics in global markets. Increased focus is on inventory management, just-in-time logistics, and totally cost analysis, as defined by global benchmarks, is integral to the learning experience throughout the module - this focus applies logistic concepts in both the generic and niche shipping markets. 

Trainer/in: Dennis Clavier

M8: International Purchasing (TL6051HA)

This module delivers learning in the area of purchasing, procurement and inventory management in the global trading arena.  Attention is given to the purchasing strategies in this vital area of global trade facilitation from which the demand for shipping and transport is derived and to the rules and conventions and procedures of international purchasing. The fit with shipping, trade and transport rests with the importance of international purchasing in global trade. You will develop abilities to review and apply the procedures of international purchasing, enabling them to evaluate the risks and opportunities of purchasing within shipping, trade, and transport.

Trainer/in: Jürgen Breitschuh

M7: International Marketing (TL6050HA) Group June 2023

In this module you will gather knowledge and expertise in the area of marketing shipping logistics services in the global trading arena. Emphasis is put on service quality defined by global benchmarks which is also reiterated as a theme throughout the module. You will apply marketing concepts in both the generic and niche shipping market sectors and find out differences of how to approach your various customers. Students will learn about the importance of international marketing in an openly competitive global environment. Attention is given to the culture and trade practices of global markets, focussing on international brand management as well as the positioning and the globalisation of brands.

M2: Theory and Practice in Shipping, Trade and Transportation I (TLP03HA)

Students will prepare a research proposal including a literature review to support their work towards the Bachelor dissertation. This affords students the opportunity to complete a substantial piece of independent research, allowing them to pursue deeper knowledge and understanding of a relevant topic of their choice through their own research. The teaching and guidance aim particularly to develop students’ skills of academic reading, researching, analysing data, application of knowledge and presenting data (numeracy and quantitative data), academic writing/literacy, critical thinking and writing and digital literacy and IT skills.

Trainer/in: Holger Hinz

January 2023 BSc Shipping, Trade & Transport

This group is exclusively open for members of the January 2023 Shipping, Trade & Transport course. Welcome to the group!

Trainer/in: Alexander Denker

June 2023 Shipping, Trade & Transport

This group is exclusively open for members of the January 2023 Shipping, Trade & Transport course. Welcome to the group!

M1: Workplace Project (Bridging Course) June 2023

Work experience is an important part of any Business Degree. On the evening degree this experience is obtained concurrently with the part-time studies for the modules at Intermediate Level. The work experience will be obtained through the Dual Apprenticeship experiences of the student. The project will link academic work with the workplace so as to develop and exploit knowledge and skills in the students’ organisation and the wider business environment.

BA Int. Travel Tourism Management

This group is exclusively open for members of the January 2023 BA Int Travel and Tourism course. Welcome to the group!

M1: Workplace Project (Bridging Course) January 2023

Work experience is an important part of any Business Degree. On the evening degree this experience is obtained concurrently with the part-time studies for the modules at Intermediate Level. The work experience will be obtained through the Dual Apprenticeship experiences of the student. The project will link academic work with the workplace so as to develop and exploit knowledge and skills in the students’ organisation and the wider business environment.